Spinal Decompression

model spine

Over 30 million Americans suffer from back pain every day and a very large portion of them don't have to. An equally large number have been told that this is just a part of getting older. The truth is, It is not!

We wake up one day unable to move as freely as the day before. We notice a slight "catch" in our back. Or, we find it hurts to bend over and hug our grandchildren or to lift a bag of groceries. We find ourselves moving slower and making excuses for not playing golf with friends or taking a walk with a loved one. We might have trouble sitting through a movie or a long car ride. Even our sleep is not as peaceful as it used to be.


Poelking Chiropractic Wellness & Physical Therapy, Inc.

2660 Woodman Center Ct, Dayton, Ohio 45420

(937) 299-2900

Our Team

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Dr. T.J. Poelking, D.C.

Clinic Director

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